Sen. Dodd: Wildfires + Coronavirus + Distance Learning

Dear Neighbor,

It will be a school year like never before as students begin online-only classes this month in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Distance learning is a necessary step to curb the infection rate and prevent further loss of life. To help you navigate this new reality, the state Department of Education offers resources for parents and teachers included below.

Peak wildfire season is upon us so please follow guidelines to protect your family. In the Capitol, I will be finalizing my bills on the subject, including one authorizing the use of “hi-lo” evacuation alerts in emergency vehicles and another to streamline disaster insurance claims. A legislative update is also in this month’s newsletter.

In this Issue:

Please feel free to reach out to me with your suggestions or concerns. As always, my office is available to help you with a state agency or answer any questions you might have. You can contact me by visiting my website.



Bill Dodd
Senator, 3rd District

Publish Date: 
Monday, August 24, 2020