Committee Approves Sen. Dodd’s Wildfire Technology Bill

Monday, June 24, 2024


SACRAMENTO – Legislation advanced today from Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, that would continue the significant wildfire safety innovation coming from the state’s Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development by lifting an upcoming sunset date on the office and making it a permanent fixture under Cal Fire.

“Through the extension of this office, California can continue to work smarter to address the increasing wildfire threat,” Sen. Dodd said. “We must continue to be leaders on wildfire innovation, whether it be through novel use of artificial intelligence for early smoke detection or any other means. By remaining on the vanguard, this office can continue to develop ways to keep our state safe.”

In response to catastrophic wildfires over the past five years, Sen. Dodd in 2021 wrote Senate Bill 109, creating the Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development to study emerging technology in wildfire safety. The office has since been producing noteworthy results, including an AI-related tool in conjunction with University of San Diego called Alert California that helps detect smoke in California forests. However, under the original bill, the Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development would close after 2029.

Sen. Dodd’s new bill, SB 74, repeals the sunset date, making the office permanent under Cal Fire. With SB 74’s approval, the Office of Wildfire Technology Research and Development can continue to be a central organizing hub for the state’s identification of emerging wildfire technology. Under provisions of the bill, the office will be governed by a board, which is required to submit an annual report of findings and recommendations to the Legislature and governor.

The bill was approved by the Assembly Emergency Management committee and heads next to Assembly Appropriations.


Senator Bill Dodd represents California’s 3rd Senate District, which includes all or portions of Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Yolo, Sacramento, and Contra Costa counties. You can learn more about Senator Dodd at