• Dodd on the Farm
  • Senator Dodd at the Farmers Market
  • Senator Dodd with Firefighters
  • Senator Dodd Town Steps
  • Senator Dodd on the coast
  • Senator Dodd in a classroom

Press Release

Friday, July 12, 2024

VACAVILLE – El Senador Bill Dodd, D-Napa, emitió hoy la siguiente declaración sobre la muerte del oficial de policía de Vacaville, Matthew Bowen, quien murió hoy mientras realizaba una parada de tráfico en su motocicleta policial.

 “Me entristece muchísimo enterarme de la muerte del oficial Bowen, quien dedicó su vida a mantener segura a nuestra comunidad”, dijo el Senador Dodd. "Me uno a todos los residentes de North Bay para lamentar su pérdida y extiendo mi más sentido pésame a la familia del oficial Bowen y sus colegas encargados de hacer cumplir la ley".

Press Release

Thursday, July 11, 2024

VACAVILLE – Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, released the following statement today regarding the death of Vacaville Police Officer Matthew Bowen, who was killed today while conducting a traffic stop on his police motorcycle.

“I am terribly saddened to learn of the death of Officer Bowen, who devoted his life to keeping our community safe,” Sen. Dodd said. “I join all North Bay residents in mourning his loss and extend my heartfelt condolences to Officer Bowen’s family and his law enforcement colleagues.”

Press Release

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

SACRAMENTO – Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, today announced his legislation has advanced that would build upon recent directives from President Joe Biden and Gov. Gavin Newsom addressing the unprecedented growth of artificial intelligence technology by encouraging continued innovation while ensuring the rights and opportunities of all Californians are protected.

Press Release

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

SACRAMENTO – Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, announced today his legislation has advanced that would help ensure electrical utilities are pursuing the fastest and most cost-effective infrastructure improvements, safeguarding the public from future wildfires and saving money for ratepayers forced to cover the cost of more expensive repairs.